The Bush Connect Project ran for 10 years and was funded by the NSW State Government through its’ Environment Trust.

The project was tailored to fill strategic vegetation gaps across the Bega Valley, improving the bush corridors from east to west between the coastal and escarpment forest systems.

How it worked for landholders?

  • Throughout the project we will advertise for expressions of interest (EOI) in the program. Many EOI’s will be called for in targeted corridor localities and others will be part of a general call.
  • The project officer will follow up EOI’s and visit properties by arrangement to provide advice and to assist with design of any suitable project proposals.
  • Cost sharing will typically be 50:50 between the project and the landholder, and will take into account landholder cash and in-kind contributions (e.g. labour, materials, and machinery) over the 10 years of the project management agreement.
  • Project proposals and costings will have to meet transparent guidelines for incentives, which will be published.
  • Land holders will commit to manage their project site for ten years.
  • Funding incentives will be available for (but not limited to): fencing materials, off creek water points, native plant seedlings, and revegetation contractors to plant them.
  • Project proposals will be assessed by an expert technical panel and endorsed by the Bush Connect Panel (comprising project partner and stake holder representatives).

Other benefits of the project

Bush Connect aims to strengthen partnerships between agencies, industry and community groups undertaking natural resource management (NRM) in the area.  As stakeholders they will be invited to develop a map highlighting priority vegetation corridors; the map will be used as a planning tool for future on-ground works.  

The project will also build links with the urban NRM works undertaken by Landcare groups in our rural towns and villages with projects in the rural environment.

If you would like to get information about similar programs (now that Bush Connect Funding has finished) please email Jean on mail@fscla.org.au